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SWIGTS offers training for helping professionals and the community from an ethical, grief affirming, trauma responsive, and social justice aligned approach. Some trainings include continuing education credit for licensed behavioral health professionals.

Consultation & Supervision

SWIGTS provides specialized consultation and supervision for helping professionals, medical professionals, businesses, & non-profits. Common areas of consult include: grief, trauma, crisis response, compassion fatigue, supervision for licensure, leadership & private practice development.

Professional Support

SWIGTS hosts opportunities for professional support in community with other helping professionals for mitigating burnout, compassion fatigue, and advocacy fatigue.  Events are offered intermittently and often with low cost to support the well-being of our colleagues.

Our Services


Southwest Institute for Grief & Trauma Studies

Be moved to improve.

Our Story

The Southwest Institute for Grief & Trauma Studies (SWIGTS) is a training institute whose mission is to close the GAP in grief education for helping professionals with Grief Affirming Practice,TM.  SWIGTS was born from the lived experiences of systemic failures within the behavioral health system that exist as a result of inadequate training. SWIGTS is increasing access to leading edge grief and trauma education so that all helping professionals have the skills to help in the midst of profound human suffering.

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