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Implications of Traumatic Grief on School Age Children

125 US dollars
Chandler Square


One in eleven children in the state of Arizona will experience the death of a parent or sibling by the age of 18. It is critical that helping professionals are educated about how to support these children, as well as warning signs that may point to a child being in need of additional therapeutic support. This presentation will provide basic grief literacy in relation to definitions and interventions for grieving children. Current data about grieving children in the state of Arizona will be provided. Participants will be educated on developmentally typical grief expressions and how to support grieving children at different ages. Following attendance at this training: Participants will be able to define terms: grief, loss, mourning, and traumatic grief to increase understanding of their differences and how they show up in the clinical setting. Participants will be able to summarize basic modern grief theory and interventions for the bereaved. Participants will examine the statistics regarding effects of traumatic grief on children in the state of Arizona. Participants will be able to integrate use of ritual and developmentally appropriate support actions for grieving children. Participants will be able to discern when effects of traumatic grief on school age children may require referral to additional therapeutic support.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel your registration 72 hours prior to an event your fee will be refunded, less a 3% processing fee. There are no refunds for cancellations received 48 hours prior to the date of the training or later. No-Shows are still due and payable in full. SWIGTS reserves the right to cancel a session if an unanticipated issue arises.

Location & Contact

  • Chandler Square

    1331 North Alma School Road, Chandler, AZ, USA

    (480) 400-0630

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